live event
Is a College Degree Obsolete?

Featuring Scott Galloway, NYU Stern professor
July 25, 2024
12-1 p.m. ET
This event has passed.
Watch The RecordingYou can watch the recording of the event here.
Ask Scott Galloway anything about the value of college
A college degree has traditionally been seen as the best (or only) path to a corporate job. With college tuition reaching $70K a year at many schools, is that still true? Is the benefit worth the sticker price?
Scott Galloway has railed against higher ed for gatekeeping excellence. On July 25, 2024, at 12 p.m. ET, he’ll join us to answer questions like:
- Sure, a college degree may not be worth the $$$ … but doesn’t your kid still need one?
- What’s the shifting value of an Ivy vs. a good state school?
- And how will AI change all of this, anyway?!
This event is an AMA (Ask Me Anything), so bring your questions.

Scott Galloway
Scott Galloway is a professor of marketing at NYU Stern and the author of The Algebra of Wealth, Adrift, and The Four. He is the founder of Section and teaches Section's brand strategy and business strategy courses.

Scott Galloway
Scott Galloway is a professor of marketing at NYU Stern and the author of The Algebra of Wealth, Adrift, and The Four. He is the founder of Section and teaches Section's brand strategy and business strategy courses.
Unboring business education you can use immediately
No bad PowerPoints, cheesy ukulele music, mandatory quizzes to prove you were watching, smart-but-super-boring professors, or un-diverse panels. Ever.