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The AI ROI Calculator
How the tool works
The AI ROI Calculator proves value in two ways:
1- Putting hard financial numbers behind your AI use – Including how much time you save every week using AI and how that correlates to money back in the company coffer.
2- Scoring AI’s impact on qualitative metrics – Such as how much more productive you feel, how much less burnout you experience, and how much more strategic you’re able to be.

Make the case for more AI budget
Get a bulletproof overview of where AI is making a real difference and where it can be doing a lot more work.
Quantify the qualitative benefits
Sum up the value-adds of AI that don’t directly relate to revenue and KPIs in a way your leaders will care about.
Translate AI ROI for your boss
We’ll help you frame your ROI results in an actionable way to deliver to your manager.
Personalize your next steps
Course recommendations and resources are tailored to each level of ROI so you can start improving your ROI score immediately.
Get ahead of your performance review
Come prepared to your next performance evaluation with numbers in hand for how your AI use is making you more valuable.